"Take a look at this the waterfall... " |
Cunha is located in Alto Paraíba and it is approximately 227 km away from São Paulo and 280 from Rio de Janeiro, more or less in the middle of the highway between Rio and São Paulo. The place has hills and mountains between "Serra do Mar" (Sea Mountains) and "Serra da Bocaina" (Bocaina Mountains).
The place is high and the average altitude is 1100 meters, having, as highest point, "Pico do Cume" (Summit Peak), with about 1600 meters. Therefore, the cold is quite intense in the winter.
"View from "Pedra da Macela" (Macela Stone)." |
Most of the population lives in the rural area, working with livestock and bean, corn and potato plantation. Besides, the high temperature ceramic made by the residents attracts many tourists.
"Look at that." |
On the proximities of the city, there is a lot of waterfalls and many trails that were already used to arrive in Minas Gerais at the time of the Gold Cycle.
"Parque Nacional da Serra do Mar" (National Park of Sea Mountains), has a good fauna with capybaras, tapirs, pacas, ounces, parrots and hawks. The Park is open from 8:00 to 17:00 and the access is made by SP-171 highway, in kilometer 53, riding for 30 km.
"This is "Cachoeira do Desterro" (Desterro Waterfall)." |
Other good trails are: Trail of Paraibuna that has 1,7 km and borders the river; Trail of Rio Bonito that has 7,6 km and a tax is collected for each group; Macela's Stone that has a awesome view of Ilha Grande's Bay and o Mantiqueira Mountains. To get there, you'll need to travel 5 km by a dirt road and, after, steep ascent of 2k. The access is by km 65 of SP 171 highway, going towards Parati, for about 31km
"The view is awesome." |
Other worthwhile walks are: "Cachoeira do Ribeirão" (Waterfall of the Stream) (access by SP-171 highway, towards Guarantiguetá), "Cachoeira do Mato Limpo" (Clean Bush Waterfall) (SP-171 towards Paraty, 22km) and "Cachoeira do Desterro" (Desterro Waterfall) (B. Monjo rd, 12km)
"I'm going to swim a bit... " |
1. In the winter, it is freezing cold, reaching 3 negative degrees, so bring heavy coats. 2. The city is famous for its ceramic art. You're going to enjoy the place, if you like this kind of art. 3. Macela's Stone is a "must go" trip, the view is unforgettable, but the trail is tiresome. 4. Visit Paraty that is nearby (+/- 47 km) 5. "I visited the page on Cunha - you are right, Macela's Stone has a spectacular view. but, if the day is cloudy, when you reach the top, you're amid the clouds!. You can't see 5 meters ahead. Just a few clouds are enough to destroy the view. The tip is: in Cunha's exit heading for Paraty, there is an observatory at the edge of the highway. Stop there and look to the right, where you can see the TV antenna that is at the top of Macela's Stone. If the antenna is surrounded by clouds, give up on going there, because you won't get to see anything." clue of Juliana Kim - São Paulo 6. "I liked your tips about Cunha. Adding to those, once you're there, also visit São Luiz do Paraitinga, that is nearby. That's where the hygienist's Oswaldo Cruz was born. It's a place rich in folklore, as "Dança das Fitas" (Dance of the Ribbons), "Festas do Divino" (Divine's Party) and "Festa de São Benedito" sung by the Samba Schools of Rio de Janeiro. It's really close from Cunha, don't miss it. Hugs! " Tip from Salvador Borriello 7. "Haxi, my tip is on a bar/restaurant called Drão. It is the best place to spend the end of the afternoon and the evening, with great cheap meals. When I go there, I always sleep in Cucumber Mortuary, in a very cool bedroom. It is on the street in front of Hotel Portal do Sol. It's unusual, but good! Hugs" Tip from Silvio Teta - São Paulo – SP |
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