"This is the entrance of the city."  

Monte Verde was colonized by Germans and their influence is perceptible in the style of the constructions, and also in the cookery that mixed to the Minas Gerais style, includes foudues, raclettes, meats, trouts, pies, jellies, candies, cakes, breads and the famous Apfelstrudel (apple pie). 

"Which side now? "  

Selado Peak - it is one of the highest peaks of Brazil. It's 2.083 meters of altitude! To arrive at the Peak, this is the best option: take Mantiqueira Street, that one in front of Bradesco bank. Go up it, going by the Baptiste Church, "Pousada do Esquilo" (Squirrel Lodging) to arrive at the Excalibur Lodging. There, turn left towards Cabeça de Boi Hotel. Proceed until the end of the street. The trail itself, begins in this point, to the right. From then on you'd better be accompanied by somebody who knows the area. After about 40 minutes of trail, you will arrive at the Plateau. From there you can see more than five cities of the Paraíba valley! Also pay attention to the pieces of iron fixed in the stone. Do you know what they mean? The boundary between the States of São Paulo and Minas Gerais.  

"Hum, an artificial lake."  

50 minutes more to arrived at the Peak. These stones are placed very close one of the other. The beginning of the walk is the same. Take the "Montanhas" (Mountains) Av., going always up, going by the Nico On The Hill Lodging, until you reach Starbar. You can go by car until this point. To go to "Chapéu do Bispo" (Bishop's Hat), take the trail of the right, there is a sign indicating it. If you choose the Bishop's Hat, the ascent will be of approximately 20 minutes. When you arrive there, continue for a trail to the left for more 20 minutes and the Stone of the Plateau will appear.  

"This place looks like Campos do Jordão, 50 years ago."  

"Cachoeira dos Pretos" (Waterfall of the Blacks) - It is a waterfall with more than 170 meters of height. The ideal is to do this on a motorcycle (Monte Verde counts with several motorcycles for rent), but you can also do it by car. Leaving the city, take the road towards Camanducaia. After some kilometers, you will go by the Green Mountains Hotel, that will be to your left. After the Hotel, proceed for about 600 meters and turn to the left. There you will be leaving the highway of Camanducaia and a highway that crosses Fazenda São Pedro diffusing, towards Joanópolis. When this highway reaches the end, turn to the right towards Joanópolis. After some kilometers, it is arrived at a small bar and soon later a gate. It is the entrance for the Waterfall of the Blacks. 

"There great restaurants here."  

Rapids of Itapuá - The path to Itapuá Farm Hotel, where the rapids are, should be done by car or horse. It's 3 kms, starting from the Portal of entrance of the Town, towards Camanducaia. In the farm, just follow the signs. Following the trail that borders the river, you arrive at a waterfall. To return, take the same trail until a bifurcation that, to the left, takes to a lake. 

"The constructions are in the colonial style."  


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1. This is the typical trip for couples.  

2. If you like Itaipava in Rio de Janeiro or Campos do Jordão in São Paulo, you  will possibly like Monte Verde. 

3. There are good restaurants in the place and eating good food is one of the best options of the city. 

4. The Waterfall of the Blacks and the Selado Peak are trip to be done during the day. 

5. The city has an airport that offers touristy flights that are not expensive. 

6. Rent a motorcycle and ride it on some trails of the area. 

7. Always take some water and coat to the trails. 

8. "hello. I am visitor of Monte Verde and I would like to give a contribution for the site in the page on this town. There is a nice place to accommodate there, it is called "Refugio do Selado". It is a kind of lodging that is rare in Brazil, similar to a hostel. It has collective rooms and of couple, starting from $15 per person per night. Ideal for who tans peacefulness and doesn't need more than a bed, a decent bathroom and a kitchen. Tel. (35) 3438.1402. Monte Verde is known as a destiny for couples, but also offers great options for who it enjoys radical sports. Besides trails, it has some dirt roads little busy, ideals for bike riding. And, in the last years, some people began to explore the stones (great options for escalade, with several levels of difficulty) and rivers (rafting, boiacross and acquaride, but only in the summer). It has some agencies that deal those activities, but keep your eyes open, because not all have appropriate equipments and really qualified guides. I recommend Multisport Mantiqueira, that is at the main avenue, in front of Bradesco bank. Tel. (35)  3438.1126. Also, I would like to ask you to change the tip on renting a motorcycle for doing the trails. The motorcycles are messing the trails and the surrounding vegetation. They cause a huge impact, they make noise, they stress the animals... The local ongs (non governamental organizations) are very worried. It's better to suggest people to use the motorcycles on the dirt road, that are also beautiful, and not on the trails. That's it. Hugs." tip from Ana Poletto  

9. "the best of Monte Verde it is to do trails in the morning to any peak (Bishop's Hat, "Pedra Partida" (Broken Stone), "Selado", "Pedra Redonda" (Round Stone). The trails are steep but of easy access. Bring water, go with trainers and coat, the wind up there is freezing and the view is awesome. When you get back to the city, visit the stores, taste cheeses and wines, choose a bar with heater for sipping and wait for the night. For dinner: the soups with Italian bread, trouts and fondues are the specialties of the place. We allways go for one weekend during the winter." Tip from Marcelo Pietrafesa and Cilene Marchi - Serra Negra - SP 

10. "Monte Verde is the ideal place for going as couple... it is a super romantic town and much more charming than Campos do Jordao in São Paulo. There is no heavy nightlife, the night is nice for resting and to eat some cheeses at the fireplace to enjoy the city and the walks the following day. As the city is not very big, you won't need to go by car... you can take the bus from Camanducaia. I recommend you take a look at the local site before:, it has many tips on lodgings, maps, weather forecast, walks, etc. Also, you can't miss tasting the strawberry chocolate that they sell in front of a tea house at the beginning of the main avenue, it is a awesome!! tip from Gabi Tikerpe

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